Areas and pavilions


Renewable Energy: Affordable and non-polluting

• Bioproducts, biomaterials, biochemicals, bioplastics, biofibers, etc. • Bioenergy Generation: Heating, electricity, biofuels • Green hydrogen from biomass

The Mexican market needs to learn more about the efficient use of biomass. You could be the one to show them the way!

Green Cities: Building green to preserve the environment

• Design, comfort, eco-eciency and sustainability

The housing sector in Mexico offers great opportunities to reduce direct pollutant emissions throughout its "life cycle", from production through daily use to the end of its lifespan (Vivienda y ODS en México; “Housing and SDGs in Mexico”, 2018)

Ensuring proper management and reducing impact

• Collection and disposal

The largest number of companies producing hazardous waste is located in the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico. (Diagnóstico básico para la gestión integral de los residuos; “Basic diagnosis for integrated waste management”, Semarnat 2020)

Clean air and blue sky

• Emissions, atmosphere and air quality control • Environmental management and certication systems

Air pollution is the greatest environmental risk to human health. (ONU 2020)

So that it will keep on coming back
Waste as an input for other industrial processes.

Technological solutions to processes that extend the useful life of products, transforming the current linear model of waste management into a circular economy

Recycling in Mexico depends mainly on the informal "pepena" or scavenge sector. (Diagnóstico básico para la gestión integral de los residuos; “Basic diagnosis for integrated waste management”, Semarnat 2020)

International areas and pavilions

International solutions tailored to the Mexican and Latin American market.

For more information and participation options